  1. ホーム
  2. 篮球比分直播2年度新潟発!知のツーリズム「?本酒学(Sakeology)」?化体験プログラム Knowledge-based Tourism of Sakeology: (Exploring Niigata Sake)

篮球比分直播2年度新潟発!知のツーリズム「?本酒学(Sakeology)」?化体験プログラム Knowledge-based Tourism of Sakeology: (Exploring Niigata Sake)


Welcome to Sakeology.
The Sakeology Center, Niigata University produced the videos introducing the essence of Sakeology pursued at Niigata University and sake brewing in Niigata with the support of the Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan.

1. 日本酒学初級コース?ダイジェスト版 Introduction to Sakeology

(1)日本酒学ガイダンス Guidance to Sakeology

(2)日本酒醸造、酵母、日本酒の美味しさ Sake Brewing, Yeast, and the Palatability

(3)日本酒の経営学-日本酒の輸出と国内市場の新たな展開- Business Management of Sake

(4)日本酒の歴史-16世紀から19世紀を中心に- The History of Japanese Sake

(5)酒粕の生理機能 The Physiological Effects of Sake Lees

(6)糖尿病とアルコール摂取について Diabetes and Alcohol Consumption

(7)日本酒のマナーと嗜み Manners for enjoying Sake

(8)日本酒のきき酒方法 Methods of Sake Tasting

2. 体感!新潟の酒造りExploring Sake Brewery in Niigata

3. 杜氏の心~酒造りにかける情熱~ The Spirit of Toji: Passion for Sake Brewing

Supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs Government of Japan through the Japan Arts Council, Fiscal Year 2020

新潟大学日本酒学センター Sakeology Center, Niigata University
