  1. ホ`ム
  2. 仟侏インフルエンザにvする鬉砲弔い Important Notice about the New Influenza Precautions

仟侏インフルエンザにvする鬉砲弔い Important Notice about the New Influenza Precautions





  1. インフルエンザの屏彜があった栽はすぐに匳Cvを鞭\する。
  2. インフルエンザと\僅された栽は、侭奉する僥何の僥Sに駅ずかメ`ルでBjする。
  3. 2の栽は、匳Cvの峺幣あるいは隠宗砿尖センタ`の峺Г惄Α
  4. 返牢いうがい、身エチケット吉の莿廚鯰弔ける。

To International Students in Niigata University:

Important Notice about the New Influenza Precautions

The new influenza A(H1N1) virus has been continuing to spread throughout Japan. Students, teaching and administrative staff of Niigata University have also been infected and the number of cases is rapidly increasing towards the end of October. All of our students are advised to take the following measures.

  1. If you seem to have symptoms suspected of being from influenza, visit a medical clinic or hospital immediately.
  2. If you are diagnosed of influenza, contact the Student Affairs Office of your department by telephone or email immediately.
  3. If you are infected of influenza, please follow the advice given by the hospital or Niigata University Health Management Center.
  4. Wash your hands and gargle frequently, and observe coughing etiquette.

International Affairs Division, Niigata University
Tel: 025-262-6246
Fax: 025-262-7519