Privacy Policy

Policy on Personal Information on the Official Site of Niigata University

1. Basic Concept

Niigata University (National University Corporation) collects data on individuals to the extent that healthy maintenance of its official site (the site that begins with "") necessitates. The collection and use of the data shall be based on the "regulation on information of individuals" (2005, regulation No.19) and the following policies, and its scope shall be limited within the purpose defined below.

2. The Scope of Information Collection

  1. This site collects data such as name, address, and telephone numbers voluntarily submitted by a person who makes questions, opinions, or some other contacts with the university or Email addresses submitted by a person who make contacts through Email.
  2. This site may collect data such as internet domain names, IP addresses and visiting frequencies from the outside. In this case, technically speaking, the site may use cookie information and javascript programs.

3. Purpose of Use of Data on Individuals

  1. Questions and opinions collected under the term of above 2.1. shall be used to enhance the service of the university, and in order to answer them, the university may use submitted data such as name, mail address, address, and telephone numbers. Also the university may transfer the data to other sections of the university according to the character of questions and opinions.
  2. The data collected under the term of 2.2. shall be used for the maintenance of the site and the site analysis. Also, the result of a site analysis may be entrusted to an external contractor but such an external contractor must write a pledge to the university on the protection of personal information.

4. Limit of Data Usage and Data Submission

Even though the limits on the usage of personal data collected on this site is limited within the extent that the achievement of the "purpose of use" (3.3.) necessitates, in case of the requirement of disclosure based on law, illegal accesses, illegal activities such as intimidation and threat, and some other special reason, and in case that there is an advance consent with a person who submitted data, the university may give the data to a third party.

5. Security Measures

The university shall take security measures to properly maintain personal data collected on the site or by some other means, protecting it from illegal access, loss, destruction, falsification, and leak.

6. The Extent of the Application of This Policy

This privacy policy shall be effective only on this site. The administration of personal information by sectors of the university such as faculties and graduate schools will be conducted by their respective responsibilities. In addition, the university may change this privacy policy contingent on necessities.


Public Relations Office, Niigata University