Revised Instructions on the 2020 Degree Conferment Ceremony
Niigata SDGs Forum 2020
Cancellation of the 2019 Academic Year Graduation Ceremony
Niigata University's Faculty of Economics Students Won Awards in Presentation Contest
Development of a safe and effective toxin-based gene therapy for the liver cancer
[All Niigata University students and staff] Alert on the Novel Coronavirus (Ver. 2. Feb 19, 2020)
[All Niigata University students and staff] Alert on the Novel Coronavirus (Ver. 1. Feb 17, 2020)
Elucidating a key mechanism underlying cancer invasion/metastasis: Discovery of a unique hydroxylase “PLOD2” essential to the functional activation of integrin on cancer cells.
Discovery of the protective effect of a plant-based compound against periodontitis: Report by a graduate student and other researchers at Niigata University and Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.