Research Institute for Natural Hazards and Disaster Recovery Signed a Partnership Agreement with Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture
The 3rd Sakeology Seminar in AY2022, “Medicines (Hyakuyaku) in Sake, Peptides” and “The Challenge of Wellness Business: For the Brilliance of Life,” was held
Discovery of Novel Therapeutic Effects of Existing Drugs for Liver Cirrhosis: A gene expression-based screening assay for drug repositioning
Study identifies new gene which can increase chemotherapeutic response in medulloblastomas
The role of dyadic cognitive report and subjective cognitive decline in early ADRD clinical research and trials: Current knowledge, gaps, and recommendations
Cerebrocortical activation following unilateral labyrinthectomy in mice characterized by whole-brain clearing: implications for sensory reweighting
2022 Fall Entrance Ceremony
President's Award Ceremony
Importance of the Q/N-rich segment for protein stability of endogenous mouse TDP-43