Introducing the "Luxury Concept of Sake": Brewing Local Sake with Environmental Conservation and Community Creation at its Core.
People with three generations of relatives (parents, siblings, grandparents) with type 2 diabetes mellitus have a 20 times higher risk of having type 2 diabetes than those with no such relatives
Drying and rewetting cycles substantially increased soil CO2 release
Study succeeds in the early diagnosis of leptomeningeal disease in diffuse midline gliomas by liquid biopsy
M87* One Year Later: Catching the Black Hole's Turbulent Accretion Flow
How Camellias evolved with the formation of the Japanese archipelago?
Approaching the red planet from the kitchen
A case of cerebral amyloid angiopathy with ipsilateral tau and contralateral amyloid PET uptake related to cadaveric dura mater implanted in childhood
President USHIKI Tatsuo visited a Partner University in Australia