Lower frequency of vegetable and fruit intake linked to higher risk of death regardless of chronic kidney disease (CKD) status
Elevated ratio of C-type lectin-like receptor 2 level and platelet count (C2PAC) aids in the diagnosis of post-operative venous thromboembolism in IDH-wildtype gliomas
A novel technique for large-fragment knock-in animal production without ex vivo handling of zygotes
Human early-onset dementia caused by DAP12 deficiency reveals a unique signature of dysregulated microglia
A novel NONO variant that causes developmental delay and cardiac phenotypes
Direct evaluation of neuroaxonal degeneration with the causative genes of neurodegenerative diseases in drosophila using the automated axon quantification system, MeDUsA
Substantial rise in the incidence of renal replacement therapy due to nephrosclerosis in Japan
Dr Hatano wins basic research award on dementia
Discovery of Novel Therapeutic Effects of Existing Drugs for Liver Cirrhosis: A gene expression-based screening assay for drug repositioning