Jul 27 2021
Students at the Education Center for Engineering and Technology of the Faculty of Engineering have built teams across their grades and programs and have been participating in manufacturing projects.
"The CanSat Project" (commonly known as Nics) is one of their projects, and students are making CanSats to participate and win in a CanSat competition at the Noshiro Space Event, one of the largest amateur space events in Japan which is held every summer.
In the CanSat competition, entrants compete how close they can get to the target point on the ground by launching an empty can simulating an artificial satellite up to about 50 meters above the ground with a drone that is operated automatically using GPS. The competition includes events like Flyback, which approaches the target point by gliding in the air, and Runback, which approaches by landing on the ground with a parachute and then running on the ground with tires.
Students held an experiment meeting on Ikarashi Campus at the end of June. They are conducting experiments day to day and improving their skills through trial and error.
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