The research project of Assoc. Prof. Natsuki Yoshikawa was adopted for the e-ASIA Joint Research Program of the JST

Jan 25 2021

Associate Professor Natsuki Yoshikawa in Institute of Science and Technology (Faculty of Agriculture) was selected as a principal investigator for the SICORP e-ASIA Joint Research Program "Advanced Interdisciplinary Research towards Innovation" of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) in 2020 (adoption rate: 11.5% (3/26 projects)). The e-ASIA Joint Research Program promotes multilateral joint research and research exchanges among three or more countries to enhance R&D capabilities in science and technology mainly in Southeast Asia and solve common regional issues. The research results should contribute to SDGs.

Important points of the project

  • The research results obtained in the Niigata Plain are utilized to develop a highly versatile integrated water management platform applicable to regions of different development levels through international joint research with institutes in Vietnam and Indonesia. Thus, Asian countries benefit from the results.
  • A platform utilizing remote sensing and ICT will be developed to reduce agricultural damage, such as floods and saltwater intrusions, commonly observed in deltas.

Research project

Water is indispensable for agricultural production, although it causes problems if supplied insufficiently or excessively. Of note, in developing countries with increasing populations, improving agricultural productivity through appropriate water management has become an important issue.
Associate Professor Yoshikawa has made strenuous efforts to find solutions to various agricultural and water issues using simulation technology and geographic information systems.

The adopted project aims to develop an integrated water management platform to monitor and predict the conditions of water, farmlands, and crops for supporting sustainable agriculture through collaboration between Japanese institutes (Niigata University, Kobe University, and KINDAI University) and the Institute of Water Resources Planning in Vietnam and the Bogor Agricultural University in Indonesia, where deltas are formed. The platform utilizes machine learning and remote sensing for proper water management to reduce agricultural damage, such as floods and saltwater intrusions, commonly observed in deltas, based on objective and immediate information.

The Japanese team will play a leading role in the development of a real-time prediction model using numerical calculation of floods and saltwater intrusions, a machine learning model, and remote sensing and a visualization application to be implemented on sensor networks and platforms. The Vietnamese team will develop a social implementation plan and a physical model. The Indonesian team will take initiative in the development of system design and remote sensing technology in developing areas.

Through the joint research project, a highly versatile water management platform applicable to regions of different development levels will be established to contribute to the realization of sustainable agricultural production in developing countries and the improvement of farmers' economic bases and living standards.


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