Prof. Kenji SUZUKI of Faculty of Education Received Award for Excellent Paper 2020, Japan Society of Maintenology

Jan 15 2021

Prof. Kenji SUZUKI of Faculty of Education, Niigata University received Award for Excellent Paper 2020, the Japan Society of Maintenology, and was awarded at the headquarters of the Japan Society of Maintenology on December 15. This paper presents the achievement of the long-standing collaborative research between Niigata University and the Japan Atomic Energy Agency.

The paper reveals how the intergranular strain due to the anisotropy of the crystallographic orientation keeps its balance taking advantage of the high energy X-ray of SPring-8, the large synchrotron radiation facility, when austenitic stainless steel with large elastic anisotropy is plastically deformed. The paper was academically highly regarded for experimentally elucidating behavior of the micro-residual stress due to elastic anisotropy of a crystal.

As the academic lecture conference of the Japan Society of Maintenology had been canceled because of the situation of COVID-19, the schedule for the award ceremony was postponed, and the ceremony took place in December.

Award-winning pape

Kenji SUZUKI, Takahisa SHOBU, "Intergranular Strain of Plastically Deformed Austenitic Stainless Steel", E-Journal of Advanced Maintenance, Vol. 10, No. 4 (2019), pp. 9-17.

Related links:

Official website of the Japan Society of Maintenology (Japanese only)
Awards by the Japan Society of Maintenology (Japanese only)

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