[To all NU Students] Regarding classes in the third & fourth term of the second semester

Sep 04 2020

We have made an official announcement regarding the courses in the third and fourth term of the second semester, AY 2020.
The courses have been notified on Student Web System. There are? some courses whose course style, places, and schedule have not been decided due to preparation difficulties. Please contact instructors of your classes or Student Affairs Office of your Faculty for details.

Non-face-to-face classes will continue to be held in the second semester in principle. Part of classes, however, are to be offered face-to-face. In case you are away from Niigata for returning home, please make sure to check the schedule of your classes, and to return to Niigata at least one week before your first class with undergoing health check. The situation about the novel coronavirus is sill unpredictable. We urge you to take classes of the second semester observing the conditions stipulated on "Regarding classes, including intensive courses in the third & fourth term of the second semester" updated on August 4 on our website.


Student Affairs Division
TEL: 025-262-6303


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