Professor Masaaki Komatsu of the Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences awarded the HCR Certificate of Thomson Reuters

May 24 2016

On March 28, 2016, a representative of Thomson Reuters visited Professor Masaaki Komatsu of the Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences who Thomson Reuters had selected as a Highly Cited Researcher and presented him with a Certificate. Highly Cited Researchers (HCR) are the authors Thomson Reuters selects based on the papers most often globally cited in each research field. Researchers studying the most influential research globally were listed in the field of Biology & Biochemistry in 2015; Professor Komatsu was selected again, following his selection last year.

Professor Komatsu receiving his Certificate from Thomson Reuter.

Who are Highly Cited Researchers (HCR)?

HCR are the researchers who highly impact research communities and are widely admired. The top one percent of cited theories in each research field are marked from Thomson Reuters theory cited data. The researchers who published over a specified amount and are within the top one percent are selected. The HCR of 2015 are selected based on the papers announced between 2003 and 2013 with 3,000 people selected globally. Eighty of them are in Japanese research organizations. The selections are based on the data analysis of papers in the Web of Science. The selection this time is also a compliment from research communities because it is based on quoting the researchers, directly reflecting who researchers rely on.

Theories often cited

Professor Komatsu was one of three persons selected in the field of Molecular Biology & Genetics in Japan. One of his important papers is below:

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