Fourth U-go Salon Hosted by Institute for Research Promotion

Jul 25 2018

The Fourth U-go Salon was held on Wednesday, June 27 with the participation of approximately 90 researchers from Niigata University and other institutions.

U-go Salon is held every six months in June and December, establishing a place for researchers to gather to help meet new people and form groups for collaborations across fields and combined research. This U-go Salon is planned by URA and hosted by Institute for Research Promotion, Niigata University.

Short presentation

Poster session

The theme this time was "Discover! Niigata's Research Resource Wealth". In the short presentation in the first half, a total of 13 researchers gave introductory presentations on their research and called passionately for research colleagues. From Niigata University, participants were the researchers belonging to Humanities and Social Sciences, Natural Science and Technology, the Shared Facility Technology Center, the Sado Joint Usage / Education Center, and Research Institute for Natural Hazards & Disaster Recovery. Other participating researchers were from Nagaoka University of Technology, Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences, and Niigata Institute of Technology.

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