Nov 12 2019
On October 22, 2019, six schools* attached to Niigata University's Faculty of Education concluded an exchange agreement with Zhuhai Branch School of Foreign Language Attached to Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai Branch Huizhou School Attached to Beijing Normal University, Guangzhou Metropolitan Aoyuan Nanao Laboratory School, Guangzhou Metropolitan Aoyuan Nanao Laboratory Kindergarten and Zunyi City Kairui School.
Collaborative activities with attached and cooperative schools of Beijing Normal University started in 2007 when an exchange agreement was concluded between Nagaoka Schools Attached to Niigata University's Faculty of Education and Guangzhou Metropolitan Aoyuan Nanao Laboratory School, which was then called Nanao Laboratory School Attached to Beijing Normal University. We have deepened substantial educational exchanges since the agreement: From Niigata University, faculty, attached school teachers, students and teacher education graduate school students visit the laboratory schools in Guangzhou and Huizhou every fall. In return, the school and kindergarten principals and teachers of Guangzhou Metropolitan Aoyuan Nanao Laboratory School, Guangzhou Metropolitan Aoyuan Nanao Laboratory Kindergarten, Zhuhai Branch Huizhou School Attached to Beijing Normal University and Zunyi City Kairui School participate in the workshops of Attached Nagaoka schools and Attached Niigata Elementary School every year. Since two years ago, about 70 fourth graders from Guangzhou Metropolitan Aoyuan Nanao Laboratory School and Zhuhai Branch Huizhou School Attached to Beijing Normal University have visited Niigata Prefecture on their school excursions every year and developed friendship with Attached Nagaoka Elementary School and Niigata City elementary schools.
The international exchange agreement this time is expected to further deepen exchanges between Niigata University's six attached schools and the said Chinese schools as well as to present new knowledge for the education of Niigata University's attached schools by deepening the academic and student exchange with Zhuhai Branch School of Foreign Language Attached to Beijing Normal University, which conducts primary and secondary education in English.
* Six schools attached to Niigata University's Faculty of Education: Attached Niigata Elementary School, Attached Niigata Junior High School, Attached Special Support School, Attached Nagaoka Elementary School, Attached Nagaoka Junior High School, Attached Kindergarten
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