Earthquake and Tsunami Preparedness

Feb 02 2024

Students, faculty and staff

Risk Management Center
Headquarters for Risk Management
Niigata University

Earthquake and Tsunami Preparedness


One month has passed since 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake. Our thoughts are with those who have been affected by the disaster.

This event has given us an opportunity to reconsider the threat of earthquake and tsunami disasters. Are you aware of Niigata City Comprehensive Hazard Map (*)? You can find out what kind of disaster risk there is in the area where you live and where the campus is located, so please take this occasion to check the information.

There have been reports about the possibility that an active fault off the coast of Sado Island will cause any aftershocks (the Noto Peninsula Earthquake and a series of earthquakes) and tsunamis after this, and I think that many people are feeling anxious.?Such inquiries have been sent to our attention, so we will organize the information and advise you on what to keep in mind for your daily life.

<Summary of coverage>
Off the coast of Sado Island, there is a remnant of an earthquake fault that became active due to the Noto Peninsula Earthquake, and there could be a risk of "large aftershocks" and tsunamis in the future.

●To summarize the facts...

  • It is accurate to say that there are plural faults along from the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture to Sado Island.
  • In the January 1 earthquake, what is called "half-slipped" occurred in one of these multiple faults off the coast of the Noto Peninsula and caused major damage mainly in Ishikawa Prefecture. In addition, tsunami was generated accordingly.
  • Since plural faults exist side by side, it can be assumed that the remaining faults also appear to be prone to slipping due to the effects of this earthquake. Particularly, subsequent aftershocks are concentrated on the multiple faults.
  • It is a fact that the fault off the coast of Sado Island, which is considered to be the concerns this time, is one of several faults related to the January 1 earthquake (the fault closest to Sado), and it can be said that it is a "slip remain".
  • Therefore, experts have pointed out that the fault may cause a large earthquake and tsunami in the future.

●So, when is the next earthquake going to happen?

  • On a global scale, it is said to be "soon".
  • "Anytime soon on a global scale" means that it could be tomorrow or decades later.
  • The Japan Meteorological Agency states: in the event of a major earthquake, it is necessary to "be careful of earthquakes with a maximum seismic intensity of 5 or higher for the next month or so." But one month has already passed since the disaster, and this overall time of caution has ended.
  • Therefore, going forward, we live while preparing for potential future events, such as a possibility of an earthquake or tsunami.

●How should I prepare?

How fast a tsunami generated by earthquakes travels differs in the Pacific and Sea of Japan. Put another way, a tsunami can hit the Sea of Japan coast within five minutes after an earthquake.

  1. When you feel the shaking of an earthquake, first ensure your own safety!
  2. When the shaking subsides, be alert for tsunamis!
  3. Wait until "No tsunami risk" is confirmed by Japan Meteorological Agency information!

On this occasion, please bear in mind the following things:

★ Instead of worrying unnecessarily, think about what you can do now and enrich your daily life.
★ Take specific action, such as checking evacuation routes from tsunamis and talking about evacuation procedures with family and friends.

* Click here for hazard maps of Sado City, Gosen City, and Nagaoka City.
?Sado City Hazard Map (
?Gosen City Hazard Map (
?Nagaoka City Hazard Map (

For your reference for non-native Japanese speakers, click here:
links about 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, via Niigata International Association website
(supplemental information added on this page by NU International Office)

Original text in Japanese.






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