Kick-off Symposium for Nuclear Regulatory Human Resource Development Project

Apr 27 2023

Niigata University held the Kickoff Symposium for the Nuclear Regulatory Human Resource Development Project on Friday, March 3, 2023.

Niigata University has received a subsidy for promoting Nuclear Human Resource Development implemented by the Nuclear Regulation Authority and has formulated a plan to implement the project over five years starting in 2022. In order to foster nuclear regulatory personnel who will lead the world's highest level of safety in using nuclear energy, we will integrate and align the wide range of nuclear regulation-related fields in our university. We are planning to achieve three human resource education programs: graduate school education, undergraduate education, and adult education.
As part of this implementation, this symposium was held to introduce the outline of this project and to think about how the Nuclear Regulatory Human Resource Development project should be at our university.

At the symposium, after the opening remarks by Director SUEYOSHI Kuni (representative of the project), Assistant Professor GOTO Jun (Center for Coordination of Research Facilities, Institute for Research Promotion) introduced the project. Also, Director Urabe (Research Institute for Natural Hazards & Disaster Recovery) explained the collaboration between disaster recovery science and disaster medicine that has been cultivated in our university.

As an invited lecturer from related organizations, Mr. KUBOTA Michio (Deputy Director at Personnel Division, Director General's Secretariat, Nuclear Regulation Authority) spoke about regulatory affairs and human resource development at the Nuclear Regulation Authority and expectations for universities through nuclear regulatory human resource development projects. Next, Mr. KANEKO Nobuyuki (Manager of the Nuclear Safety Measures Division, Niigata Prefectural Disaster Prevention Bureau) lectured on nuclear safety administration in Niigata Prefecture from the perspective of recruiting nuclear specialists in Niigata Prefecture and the image of the desired people. Finally, Associate Professor KIKUCHI Takashi (Nuclear Technology, Institute of Science and Technology, Nagaoka University of Technology) introduced the initiative of this project at the Nagaoka University of Technology.

The symposium ended in great success with a closing address by Professor ITOH Kimiko, Director of the Integrated Center for this project.
There were 67 people from affiliated institutions, in addition to faculty, staff, and students from Niigata University, who participated on this day and engaged in a lively exchange of opinions. We also received valuable opinions for advancing the project for the future. It was a very meaningful meeting.

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