Incentive Award Ceremony for Research Professors of the Institute for Research Promotion

Mar 02 2023

The Institute for Research Promotion of Niigata University has been awarding the special titles, called "Research Professor at the Institute for Research Promotion" to associate professors, and "Research Associate Professor at the Institute for Research Promotion" to lecturers and assistant professors who have obtained large-scale scientific research funding such as Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research and who have achieved particularly outstanding research results to contribute to the revitalization and development of research activities at Niigata University.? This system has been implemented since AY 2016, and the professors and associate professors given the titles can receive cash incentives for the achievements.

Four recipients have been selected for AY 2022, and the award ceremony was held on Wednesday, February 22. The faculty members who have won the award are as follows.

Niigata University will continue to award the researchers with outstanding achievements so that we could increase their motivation for research, build up a stable research base and enhance our research level at the university.

Research Professor at the Institute for Research Promotion


  • Associate Professor of Institute of Science and Technology: KIM Minseok
  • Associate Professor of Brain Research Institute: UCHIGASHIMA Motokazu

Research Associate Professor at the Institute for Research Promotion

  • Assistant Professor of Institute of Science and Technology: HASHIDA Ryohei
  • Lecturer of University Medical and Dental Hospital: YOSHIBA Nagako

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