Summer Program 2022, Niigata University

Sep 01 2022

Niigata University held "Niigata University Online Summer Program 2022" from Monday, August 22 to Friday, August 26 with 36 students from 16 partner universities in 7 countries/regions and 18 Niigata University students. The program was organized for NU students who wish to study abroad, and for international students from partner universities who aspire to study in Japan in the future. It aimed to cultivate students' language proficiency and improve their discussion skills under the circumstances where it has been difficult to conduct study abroad programs due to the covid-19 pandemic.

The first part of the program was divided into two courses: one is for NU students and another is for international students. NU students participated in practical lessons on Japanese contemporary affairs which will be frequently asked abroad, including Japanese politics, economy and culture, and learned how to explain those topics in English. The lessons were conducted by a Japanese faculty member and an instructor whose mother tongue is English. In addition, special lectures were delivered by faculty members from Faculty of Medicine, and Faculty of Agriculture, giving the students opportunities to acquire more specialized topics such as coronavirus vaccine and agriculture in Japan.

Prof. SAITOH, giving a special lecture about COVID-19 vaccine
Prof. HARADA, giving a special lecture, and NU students

For international students, intensive Japanese language lessons were given through text reading, and reading aloud training to improve their understanding of Japan in preparation for their future study in Japan. Students were offered two courses, "basic" and "intermediate," and experts in Japanese language education provided lessons according to the students' language proficiency.

On the final day, Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) style classes were conducted, and NU students and international students discussed topics about Japan using English as a common language. NU students made presentations in English regarding Japanese contemporary affairs, such as industrial technology, culture and disaster prevention measures, making the use of the knowledge they had acquired through the former part of the program. In addition, NU students gave a presentation in English introducing Niigata University and delivering the appeal of spending a student life at NU as international students. Lively question-and-answer sessions were followed after the presentations, and international students made questions actively with enjoying free conversation and deepening friendship with NU students.

Classes for Japanese language
NU students presenting about Japanese culture

At the end of the program, Prof. TSUBOI Nozomu, Director of Center for International Education introduced NU's study abroad programs, and delivered the closing remarks: "For students of NU, I would like you to try actual study abroad programs after the Covid-19 pandemic settles down. For students of our partner universities, we all look forward to seeing you and studying together at Niigata University." Throughout the program, students with different backgrounds such as nationality and academic field gathered together via Zoom, utilizing the advantage of online learning. The Center for International Education will continue to conduct a variety of international education programs in the future.

NU students presenting about NU and Niigata Prefecture
Group photo at the end of the program

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