Mar 10 2022
Niigata University will combine face-to-face and non-face-to-face classes effectively for the first semester of AY 2022, keeping an eye on the infection situation of COVID-19, and the prevention measures taken by the Japanese government and Niigata Prefecture. We will strive to enhance the educational effectiveness and student life by conducting face-to-face classes as much as possible.
Class category for face-to-face class
?[Classes, such as G-code]
『英語 (English)』,『初修外国語(ベーシックⅠを除く)』 (Second Foreign Language except for Basic I)』,『健康スポーツのうち,「体育実技」 (Physical Education in Sports Wellness)』,『情報リテラシー (受講者が150人以下の科目)(Information Literacy*class with less than 150 students)』, 『自然科学(理学)<実験> (Natural Science (Science); Experiment)』, 『大学学習法 (Study Skills)』
[Classes at Faculty/Graduate School]
『初年次教育に関する科目 (Classes regarding the first year education)』,『実験?実習 (Experimental/Laboratory class)』,『インターンシップ (Internship)』,『ゼミナール (Seminar)』,『演習 (Seminar)』,『卒業(修了論文)(Dissertation)』
[Other Classes]
Other classes will be conducted face-to-face as much as possible, while taking the prevention measures against COVID-19. However, if the number of students exceeds 150, the classes will be conducted either non-face-to-face or in a combination of face-to-face and non-face-to-face classes.
Points to Note
Student Affairs Division
TEL: 025-262-6303