Matriculation Oath from the Representative of New Students at AY2021 Entrance Ceremony

Matriculation Oath from the Representative of New Students

Spring has come in full force, shedding a soft and pleasant light. This is the time of season when new students will first meet up with their colleagues, faculty, and staff. Though I miss the opportunity, I am sincerely grateful for such a wonderful entrance ceremony you have organized for us.

Many activities were limited due to the coronavirus pandemic in the past year. When I thought of the start of a new chapter of my life being entirely different from the past, I occasionally felt anxious and frustrated because my future was up in the air. But at the same time, I believe we have learned much from the unprecedented circumstances brought about by the pandemic. They made me recognize the preciousness of the people and environment around me as well as the need to develop an ability to flexibly deal with unexpected changes and overcome difficulties with a strong will. In order to develop the ability and grow up as a full-fledged human being, I will study hard at the Faculty of Law at Niigata University.

I am here today thanks to the support of my family, teachers, friends, and many others. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest appreciation to them, and I hereby promise on behalf of all new students that we will lead a fulfilling campus life by cherishing a sense of gratitude and making continuing efforts to achieve our dreams and goals.

April 2021
On behalf of new students
MUSHA Tomoka
Department of Law, Faulty of Law


又到了阳光明媚、让人觉得春天真的到来的季节。 虽然未能如愿与所有同年级同学和教职员工们齐聚一堂,但我仍由衷感谢学校今天为我们举办这种形式的入学典礼。

上一学年,受新冠病毒的影响,许多事情都受到了限制。 与以往的生活大相径庭的新生活方式开始后,我也曾在看不到未来的每一天感到不安和焦虑。 想必我们都在这种迄今为止没有人经历过的状态下有了各种各样的发现。 我懂得了周围人们的存在和自己所处环境的可贵,同时,我也意识到今后必须培养能灵活应对意外变化的能力、以及能以坚定的意志克服困难的能力。 为了掌握这些能力,使自己长足发展,我决心要在新潟大学法学部好好学习。

我们之所以能有今天,那是因为得到了家人、恩师、朋友等许多人的支持。 我要借此机会对他们说一说谢谢。 我宣誓,我要在即将开始的新潟大学学生生活中,带着感激之情,每天都朝着自己的梦想和目标而努力,从而度过充实的每一天。

武者 朋佳