Message from the President to Fall 2020 New Students


With a view to preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus infectious disease (COVID-19), Niigata University has regrettably decided to cancel the AY 2020 Fall Entrance Ceremony. Instead of the ceremony, Prof. USHIKI Tatsuo, the President of Niigata University has sent a message in English and Chinese to the newly enrolled students this fall.

Message from the President to Fall 2020 New Students

I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the new students entering Niigata University this fall.

Niigata University Fall Entrance Ceremony would normally take place at the Central Library Hall on the Ikarashi Campus, where the new students would assemble. However, this ceremony has been cancelled this year as a measure to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus infectious disease (COVID-19). It is truly regrettable that I cannot see you all dressed up and congratulate you in person. Instead of the ceremony, I am sending you my message on this website.

Autonomy and Creativity

Our philosophy is "Autonomy and Creativity." "Autonomy" means to behave in accordance with your own norms, and "Creativity" means to produce something new. As you become a student of Niigata University, I would like you to bear in mind these two words.

In line with this philosophy, we hope that you will all acquire the habit of always setting your norms and thinking on your own. That is, the habit of seeing and hearing things for yourself, seeing the facts with your own eyes, and making your own judgment.

Learning from the COVID-19 Crisis

COVID-19, first identified in Wuhan, China at the end of last year rapidly became a pandemic. Many people might feel that this has been a major unforeseen incident.

Yet, was this really unpredictable?

In fact, while most of us feel that this COVID-19 pandemic came as a surprise, experts have long been warning about such a major pandemic. In the first place, pandemics have reoccurred throughout human history. For example, the plague, known as the Black Death that ravaged medieval Europe, is said to have wiped out one-third of the population. There was also a severe pandemic just 100 years ago known as the "Spanish influenza", caused by the novel influenza H1N1. "Spanish influenza" infected 600 million people, which was one-third of the world's population of about 1.8 billion, resulting in the death of tens of millions of people. Such major pandemics are bound to occur like earthquakes and other natural disasters. They also represent one of the big challenges that human beings must overcome.

Nevertheless, we are facing a horrible incident that occurs only once in a century. What can we learn from the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis and what should we do? This is a question that does not have only one single correct answer, like in your entrance examinations, or does not even have an answer. However, to think is what matters.

If you look back on history, some say that the plague pandemic in the 14th century accelerated the structural changes of the feudal society in Europe, which consequently led to the new Renaissance Period. The Spanish Influenza pandemic coincided with World War I, so it not only helped the war end sooner, but also brought about drastic changes in the world economy subsequently. One way to look at this is that major pandemics in the past caused dramatic changes in the social and economic paradigms.

I suppose you feel that something is about to change dramatically amid the COVID-19 crisis. I would like you to give it some thought based on this experience. I believe you must have noticed something new and learned something from the COVID-19 crisis.

Looking into the Future

Japan advocates the term of "Society 5.0" as its concept for a future society. Human beings started with the hunting & gathering society (Society 1.0); Society 2.0 is the agricultural society; Society 3.0 is the industrial society; and Society 4.0 is the information society. The next society will be Society 5.0. This is described as a society to be formed through a sophisticated fusion of cyberspace and the physical space in reality. In this future society, the ability of computers (AI) is predicted to surpass human ability in 2045, and by that time, remote work will become prevalent and nearly 50% of jobs are predicted to be taken over by AI, ushering in an age of catastrophic collapse of employment.

It is still uncertain whether Japan and the world will move in the direction that has been predicted. However, major social changes have probably started much sooner than we had anticipated due to the COVID-19 crisis. Just like a tiny pebble tumbling down a slope, once something has gotten going, it can no longer be stopped. I have a feeling that the post-COVID-19 society will never be the same again.

In the age you will all live, I think there will be many such complex and unpredictable occurrences. It will be even more imperative to pull together humankind's wisdom to find solutions to overcome difficulties. I believe that universities of today have the mission to equip you with the intellectual capacity to survive in such an age.

Fulfilling Campus Life

A university is regarded as a "repository of knowledge" because this is where students and faculty members become passionate about studies, think, learn from each other, and nurture the wisdom to build the future. Niigata University is a large-scale comprehensive university that brings together experts in various fields of study. I hope the new students will not forget the dreams and ambitions you hold when you enter the university and will take full advantage of this university as a "free space of wisdom" to learn as much as possible while you are here. Take to heart our philosophy of "Autonomy and Creativity," embark on various activities with enthusiasm, and acquire the "resilience" along with suppleness and strength just like the branches of willow trees. I am confident that what you will have acquired will be your strength when you spread your wings in society.

Lectures and practical trainings are currently restricted in various ways due to the COVID-19 crisis, and the reality of a campus life quite different from what you have expected is to continue a little longer. If ever you have a problem or feel stressed out and anxiety, please always talk to someone you trust. Go to your family, friends, and of course, your academic advisors, or the staff of Student Affairs Office. Remember, you are not alone. Even in these difficult times, I would like you to arouse your intellectual curiosity, learn a lot, and enrich your campus life.

As rainy days cannot last forever, this COVID-19 crisis will eventually settle down. I look forward to seeing you at your graduation, when all of you will have grown manifold and shined in your endeavors.

October 2020
USHIKI Tatsuo, M.D., Ph.D.
President, Niigata University





  新潟大学的理念是 “自律与创生”。正如其字面意思所言,“自律” 就是按照自己制定的规范去行动,“创生” 就是创造新事物。请同学们从入学开始就将这一理念铭记于心!

  新潟大学希望大家在 “自律与创生” 的理念下养成 “始终自己制定自己的规范去思考事物的习惯”。也就是要养成自己仔细观察或倾听事物、用自己的眼睛去分辨事实并做出判断的习惯。




  其实,虽然这次的新冠疫情对于我们大多数人而言是极其突然的事情,但早就有专家对这样的大流行敲过警钟了。传染病的全球大流行原本就是人类历史上曾多次反复发生的事情。例如,据说袭击中世纪欧洲的鼠疫(黑死病)导致了三分之一人口的死亡。此外,就在100年前还发生过称作 “西班牙流感” 的新型流感的大流行。据说在 “西班牙流感” 中,当时全球约18亿人口中的三分之一、即6亿人左右感染了流感,并造成了数千万人的死亡。像这样,传染病大流行与大地震等天灾一样,是必定会发生的事情之一,也可以说是人类必须经受和战胜的重大考验之一。


  例如,回顾历史就会发现,14世纪的鼠疫大流行被称为加快了欧洲封建社会制度的变迁,有人说它开辟了通向 “文艺复兴” 的新时代。而西班牙流感正好在第一次世界大战期间大流行,它在促使战争提前结束的同时,还导致了战后全球经济的巨大变化。其实,我们也可以这么认为:过去的传染病大流行导致了世界政治经济格局的巨大变化。



  在日本提出的未来社会的构想中,有个词叫作 “Society 5.0”。人类最早起源于狩猎社会(1.0),经过了第2个农耕社会(2.0)、第3个工业社会(3.0)、第4个信息社会(4.0)之后,将逐步迈入第5个新社会,即所谓的 “Society 5.0”。也有解释说:它是通过赛博空间和物理空间(现实空间)的高度融合构建起来的。而且,还有预测称:在这样一个未来社会里,计算机(AI)的能力可能会在2045年胜过人类的能力;且在那之前,随着远程办公的不断发展,近半数工作将会被AI所取代,而导致就业大崩溃时代的到来。




?  大学也被称作 “智慧圣地”。因为那是一个在师生们热爱并思索学问、相互学习后点燃未来智慧火花的地方。新潟大学是一所规模宏大的综合性大学。它汇聚了来自各个领域的专家。我希望所有的新同学都不忘在入学这一新起点上怀抱梦想与立志,充分利用新潟大学这个 “智慧空间”, 大学期间努力摄取更多的知识。而且,请大家将新潟大学的理念铭记于心——“自律与创生”,积极投身于各项活动,掌握如柳枝般柔和而不屈的 “真才实学”。我相信,当同学们踏入社会时,那一定会变成一种强大的力量。



新潟大学校长 牛木辰男